Help Children Read Using Sight Words
Make Learning SIGHT WORDS Easy
Sight words are decodable or irregular words that appear frequently in beginner readers' text. Recognizing these words at a glance allows your student greater retention and comprehension of their text. These words are generally taught as early as Pre Kindergarten. The memorization of sight words were labor intensive until now!

Help Your Child Discover The Joy Of READING
Sight Bands allows your child access to these words all day. It creates interest! Your student will ask, “Is this word, please?” You’re able to reinforce learning with ease. Have fun with these words.
For example: My son asked me for some ice-cream. The sight word he picked for the day was please. I told him to say please. He said, “ pleaaaaaase”. After that, I told him if he could spell please, he could have some ice-cream. I then turned my back and peeked over my shoulder. I watched him figure out his sight word was PLEASE and (with the biggest smile) he looked at his band and spelled please. He was so excited that he spelled please and that he could now have ice-cream.

Encourage Your Child To Learn One Sight Word Per Day
Step 1: Have your child pick a sight word in the morning.
Step 2: Place two fingers inside the Sight Band on both sides. Stretch the Sight Band out and have your child feed his/her hand thru. Once the Sight Band reaches your student's wrist, let go.
Step 3: Tell your child the sight word
Step 4: Ask your student to repeat the word on their Sight Band. Point to the word and ask your student, “What does this say?”
Step 5: Watch them reinforce the word by looking at their Sight Band all-day
Step 6: Periodically ask your child, “What does your Sight Band say?”
Step 7: Remove the Sight Band before bedtime.
Step 8: The next morning, repeat the same word or move on to the next word. Move at your child’s pace.
You will be amazed how fast your little one starts to read!